Where did that paragraph go? This software change helps volunteers hold up Wikipedia’s high quality
Wikipedia in the European Year of Cultural Heritage
A Stage-Win for All of Us
Tools for Wikipedians: Keeping track of what’s going on on Wikidata from Wikipedia
UNESCO calls for participation: Recommendations on Open Educational Resources
Free Knowledge Worldwide: The Faces behind Wikimedia – Part 1
The countdown to WMCON 2018 is on!
Walking the walk – Working together for a global movement
Going regional – Wikimedia Deutschland at the CEE Meeting
Data Partnerships in Wikidata: Project Durchblick
Data Partnerships with Wikidata: beaTunes
Ladies That FOSS — Welcoming 35 women coders into the FOSS movement and that was just the beginning
Being a Volunteer Developer for Wikimedia projects: An Interview with Greta Doçi
Software product management as an internship: Learning about the real world at Wikimedia Deutschland
Software Craftsmanship at Wikimedia Deutschland: Rewriting the Wikimedia Deutschland fundraising application