Getting started with Wikibase
Wikimedia Germany stands behind Black Lives Matter worldwide
The Recommendations for the Future of the Wikimedia Movement are here!
Tech for Good? Only with Open Data!
Wanted: Test Prototypes for Wikipedia and Wikidata
Could you wikify an authority file? Wikibase has been evaluated for the Integrated Authority File (GND)
Do you speak data? Wikidata as the Open Internet’s universal language
New testing ground for Wikibase: A federal agency goes on an expedition in the Wiki universe
Free Knowledge: Hard-won Impact at the European Level
Data is the new groundwater!
Lexicographical data on Wikidata: Words, words, words
Final stretch at Wiki Loves Monuments
Wikipedia Day: “An unexpected huge success”
Many Faces of Wikibase: Lingua Libre makes [ˈlæŋ̩ɡwɪdʒəz] audible
Inside WMDE: A young developer reports
Where did that paragraph go? This software change helps volunteers hold up Wikipedia’s high quality