We asked for logo proposals for Wikidata and you delivered. We have received 73 submissions. Thank you so much for all of them. There can only be one Wikidata logo however, so it is time to pick the one.
We have prepared a voting page. You can vote by going there and adding your signature to as many candidates as you want (but only one per candidate). Everyone who has an account on meta (or a global account) that was created before July 1st 2012 can vote. And now go and pick your winner! Voting is open until Thursday July 12th 23:59 UTC.
Feel also free to add comments to the proposals, on how to improve them or making them more usable as a logo. You will notice that we picked a selection for the voting. The selection is based to eliminate variants, in order to counter the decoy effect (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predictably_Irrational#The_Truth_about_Relativity ). Since we also plan to produce swag like buttons, shirts, pins, etc., Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. had to make a preselection of the logos based on several criteria like that it should work in black-and-white, that it can be easily zoomed, that it is memorable, that it is squarish, that it is not culturally biased, etc. Those were long discussions as you can imagine.
The winner will be announced in the Wikidata panel at Wikimania on Friday July 13th. After that the winning logo will get a final review from legal and will be revised and finalized by a designer.
PS: In the unlikely case that we notice manipulation of the vote we’re reserving the right to exclude votes from the count. We will document all such cases.
[...] The team published an easier-to-understand version of their data model, updated their story boards for how to link between Wikipedias in the future, and submitted a proposal to the Knight News Challenge to make Wikidata a central, persistent repository for identifiers on the web in a second year of development. Also, proposed logos went up for public voting. [...]
wikimedia is a too famous website but after this received only 73 entries only? any way I voted for logo :) best of luck to the winner in advance