(Die deutsche Version dieses Eintrags ist hier.)

The foundation of Wikidata is currently being built and the development is well funded thanks to our sponsors [ai]², Google and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. After this year of initial development there will still be a lot that can be done so we decided to look for funding in order to continue the development of Wikidata after we finished the foundation by April 2013.

Wikidata can become a common, persistent, central repository of identifiers for the whole Web — something that the whole news industry would strongly benefit from. We have therefore submitted an entry to challenge 2 of the Knight News Challenge. A number of high-profile organisations from the news domain have already confirmed their backing of our proposal.

We’d appreciate your support for our proposal. You can express your support by clicking “like” at the end of the proposal. You can also discuss the proposal there.


  1. [...] their data model, updated their story boards for how to link between Wikipedias in the future, and submitted a proposal to the Knight News Challenge to make Wikidata a central, persistent repository for identifiers on the web in a second year of [...]

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