Jens Ohlig
13. November 2017
We can already deliver some amazing numbers: 200 attendees, including 50 helpers, 78 speakers, 50 scholars, not including 20+ plushies. We had more than one hundred sessions with a total of 40 hours of video recorded, we had 20 birthday presents, we had 43 countries represented and almost as much sweets on the sweets table!
We are especially happy that WikidataCon may very well be one of the best documented Wikimedia events. Thanks to the wonderful people at C3VOC, recordings of presentations were online just hours after they were given! The list of all recordings is impressive.
Topics that were discussed at the weekend include:
- An overview of Wikidata’s past, present and future
- Wikidata for culture and heritage (GLAM)
- Wikidata for education and science
- Improving the quality of Wikidata
- The Query Service, an open door to Wikidata
- Diving to the technical deeps: the tools around Wikidata
- Wikidata and the Wikimedia projects
Keep watching the ever-growing documentation!
Apart from making WikidataCon a well documented event, we focussed on making it your event in as many ways as possible: a programme created by the community with a high level of participation (almost half of the attendees also gave talks or presentations) — all in all a conference to give more access to more knowledge to more people.
Giving more people more access also means the little things like inclusiveness and a friendly atmosphere for everyone. We are happy that 200 people came to Berlin to celebrate Wikidata with us.
WikidataCon will return in 2019. In 2018, celebrations of Wikidata’s 6th birthday will be organized by the community. One thing that WikidataCon has shown us all, that this community is excellent. Thank you, Dankeschön, Merci, Q2728730!
Das sehe ich anders, bitte nicht auf englische Texte verzichten. Wer sie nicht lesen kann oder mag, der soll sie doch einfach ignorieren
Ne, sorry, aber ne. Das hier ist der deutschsprachige Planet Wikimedia. Englische Texte bitte in den Englischen. Es soll doch wohl von den richtigen Rezipienten gefunden werden, oder?