Das Netzwerk der Institutionen, die in Deutschland im Rahmen Freier Bildungsinhalte aktiv sind, weitet sich immer weiter aus. Am Donnerstag berichteten wir bereits über die Fortbildungsreihe zu Freien Inhalten in der Bildung von Mediale Pfade (Berlin), gefördert von der Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg. Zudem bietet Wikimedia Deutschland „Raum für Freies Wissen“ für Workshops der Communitys und für Freunde Freien Wissens. Einer dieser Freunde ist die Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), die erst vor kurzen bei uns einen Abend zu fragdenstaat.de veranstaltet hat. Nun gehen wir in die zweite Runde mit dem zweiten internationalen Open Education Handbook Booksprint, der im Rahmen eines Treffens der Open Education working group stattfindet. Dies ist ein Gastbeitrag von Marieke Guy, OKFN. Der Workshop findet auf Englisch statt. Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Christoph Jackel, CC-BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

We will be hosting our second Open Education Handbook booksprint in collaboration with Wikimedia Deutschland, at the Wikimedia Deutschland office, Berlin on Friday 22nd November 2013, and we’d really like you to participate! During the booksprint participants will be involved in group discussions, constructing questions, building on chapter themes, negotiating with others on concepts and hopefully coming up with some agreement on definitions! Those of you who have been following our progress will know that we held an initial booksprint in September to pull together some ideas for the handbook and start structure content. We have now moved all the content to Booktype and shared it with the community so it is ready to be added to and edited!

What we do

This second booksprint will consider the questions the audience of the handbook will ask and whether what we have so far truly answers those questions. So for example: what are the real benefits of creating an Open Educational Resource (OER)? How can data about open education lead to changes in open education policy? Where have open badges been used effectively? We also hope to have a couple of speakers along from local organisations to help us frame the day.

Most booksprints aim to write a book in under 5 days! We’ll be taking a slightly less pressurised approach and will be drafting the handbook over a longer time period of time (delivering a final version for the LinkedUp Project next year).

Be part of it

If you are interested in being involved in the booksprint then please register on the EventBrite page. All those who take part in the handbook booksprints will given attribution (using names and affiliations) in the about section of the handbook. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Note that the handbook and the booksprint will be in English, though we are very interested in collaborating with people who would like to translate the handbook at a later stage.

So sign up to come along!

Für Fragen rund um OER und den booksprint steht euch bei Wikimedia auch Elly Köpf zur Verfügung.

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