(Die deutsche Version dieses Beitrags gibt es hier.)

Today the English Wikipedia got the ability to include data from Wikidata. Four weeks ago the first 11 Wikipedias started testing this second phase of the project. This means by now 12 Wikipedias can make use of the shared data in their infoboxes for example. The available data includes things like conservation status for a species, ISBN for a book or the top level domain of a country.

A Request for Comments about how to use data from Wikidata is currently ongoing. Until the Request for Comments is closed you can continue to try it out on test2.wikipedia.org.

There are two ways to access the data:

  • Use a parser function like {{#property:p159}} in the wiki text of the article on the Wikimedia Foundation. This will return “San Francisco” as that is the current headquarters location of the non-profit.
  • For more complicated things you can use Lua. The documentation for this is here.

We are working on expanding the parser function so you can for example use {{#property:headquarters location}} instead of {{#property:p159}}. The complete plan for this is here.

The next step is the deployment on all remaining 274 Wikipedias. If there are no issues they will follow on Wednesday.

There is an FAQ for this deployment. Please help us with testing and feedback. The best place to leave feedback is this discussion page.


  1. [...] team hit a big milestone with the deployment of the first iteration of phase 2 of Wikidata on all remaining Wikipedias (it had been enabled on 11 Wikipedias previously). Qualifiers were also enabled on [...]

  2. [...] is still a work in progress as the creators of the project mention in a blog post. Editors can use the new functionality in two ways. First by using a parser function, and second [...]

  3. [...] is still a work in progress as the creators of the project mention in a blog post. Editors can use the new functionality in two ways. First by using a parser function, and second [...]

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