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The second month of Wikidata development has passed really quickly for everyone here. This is a short overview of the most important things that happened during the last month.


We are making good progress towards completing the first phase. We now also have a demo where you can try out what we are working on. Right now you can see the interwiki-links there that we have been working on so far. The demo consists of two parts. One part is the part that stores the data (right now interwiki links) and one part that uses the data (this will be Wikipedia among others in the future). Feel free to play around with it and add some data to try it out. If you find bugs please report them on bugs.wikimedia.org.

Additionally to the regular development we have also attended the Wikidata/RENDER summit and the MediaWiki hackathon in Berlin. This was a great opportunity to get feedback on our work from other developers, designers, translators and the infrastructure team at the foundation. Our notes are here.

You can follow the development closely on Meta.

We need a logo

We are looking for a logo for Wikidata. Are you a skilled artist? Then you should read this and make a logo proposal before the end of the month. We’re looking forward to many great submissions.


We have created a storyboard for how linking articles between the Wikipedias should work in the future. These will have to be redone based on feedback we received and the Universal Language Selector that is being worked on by the Foundation. New storyboards will be published in the next days.

Additionally we have published a draft of how we think the infoboxes should work with Wikidata in phase 2 of the project. Based on feedback this draft has already been rewritten and seems to be widely agreed on now.


We attended a lot of events during the last month. The most notable ones are probably Linuxtag, Open Data Week, SemTechBiz, AdminCon and Berlin Open Data Day.

We have also started doing small regional intro events where I introduce Wikidata to local Wikipedians and others who are interested and answer questions. The first event in Köln was last week and more are going to follow. Currently planned are Dresden, München and Essen.

Denny and I have also held another round of office hours on IRC (logs are here) and will hold the next ones shortly after Wikimania on 19th and 23rd of July.

You can see all the events we have participated in and are going to attend on the Wikidata events page.

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